Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0049ep60 | Adrenal cortex (to include Cushing's) | ECE2017

Treatment of patients with primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency with hydrocortisone modified-release (Plenadren®)

Pilli Tania , Forleo Raffaella , Cardinale Sandro , Cenci Valeria , Pacini Furio

Introduction: Adrenal insufficiency is a life-threatening disease. Conventional treatment requires multiple daily doses of immediate-release hydrocortisone or cortisone acetate causing non-physiological peaks and nadir of cortisol and it has been also associated with premature mortality, high frequency of infections, reduced quality of life, altered metabolic profile and reduced bone mineral density. A modified-release hydrocortisone (Plenadren®, Shire) by combining a rap...

ea0049ep1295 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2017

Treatment of toxic multinodular goiter with 131 radioactive iodine – effects in volume reduction, thyroid function and autoimmunity

Roque Catarina , Sousa Santos Francisco , Pilli Tania , Pacini Furio

Abstract: Radioiodine is a definite treatment option for toxic goiter. We have evaluated volume reduction, function and autoimmunity outcomes with a 15 mCi fixed regimen. Patients with at least one US evaluation before and after Iodine-131 therapy and with at least one year of follow-up were included. TSH, free-T4, antibodies and goiter volume before and yearly after Iodine-131 treatment were analysed for the length of the entire follow-up. The total 151 patients, 72.6% female...

ea0037gp.24.07 | Thyroid–genetics | ECE2015

Combination of serum miRNA-190 and -95 is a powerful non-invasive tool in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules: preliminary data of a prospective series

Pilli Tania , Cantara Silvia , Busonero Giulia , Cardinale Sandro , Cevenini Gabriele , Sebastiani Guido , Dotta Francesco , Pacini Furio

Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-protein encoding RNAs which negatively regulate gene expression. Tissue miRNA profiles may be useful to distinguish benign from malignant lesions. Recently, we have identified in the serum of a retrospective series of patients, with benign nodular goiter (n=80) and papillary thyroid cancer (PTC: n=79), two miRNAs (-190 and -95) that in combination (providing the risk of malignancy defined as pmiRNA) allow the diffe...

ea0032p1083 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2013

Circulating microRNAs may help to differentiate malignant from benign thyroid nodules

Pilli Tania , Cardinale Sandro , Cantara Silvia , Busonero Giulia , D'Angeli Francesco , Pacini Furio

Introduction: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, endogenous, non-coding RNAs that act as negative regulators of gene expression. The miRNA expression is impaired in many types of human cancer including thyroid cancer. The tissue profile of miRNAs has been shown to be useful for differentiating benign from malignant thyroid nodules, however attainment of tissue samples requires an invasive procedure while blood sampling is minimally invasive and easy to obtain. The aim of this study...

ea0063gp193 | Adrenal and Neuroendocrine - Clinical | ECE2019

Comparison of whole-genome expression analysis in patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency treated with conventional treatment versus modified-release hydrocortisone

Pilli Tania , Cardinale Sandro , Forleo Raffaella , Cantara Silvia , Ferracin Manuela , Bassi Cristian , Negrini Massimo , Grazia Castagna Maria

Background: Conventional treatment (cortisone acetate or hydrocortisone) of adrenal insufficiency (AI) is potentially associated with glycometabolic alterations, bone loss and reduced quality of life. There is an increasing evidence of a more physiological replacement therapy with modified-release hydrocortisone (Plenadren).AimThe objectives of our study were: 1) to compare the gene expression profile of patients under conventional treatment and Plenadren versus healthy contro...

ea0101ps1-09-06 | Nodules | ETA2024

Gender-based disparities in clinical presentation and outcomes of benign thyroid nodules

Mattii Elisa , Maino Fabio , Sagnella Alfonso , VALERIO LAURA , Brilli Lucia , Pilli Tania , Dalmiglio Cristina , Grazia Castagna Maria

Objectives: Gender has long been recognized as a significant epidemiological variable in the study of thyroid diseases. However, the modern approach of gender medicine introduces new perspectives to this field. The aim of this study was to investigate how gender influences the clinical presentation, volume changes and cytological features of benign thyroid nodules during follow-upMethods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 1010 patients (17.1% male...

ea0092ps3-29-05 | Treatment 2 | ETA2023

Tailored mortality risk in stage I-II DTC patients by integrating ata stratification and response to initial therapy

Dalmiglio Cristina , Forleo Raffaella , Fralassi Noemi , Maino Fabio , Brilli Lucia , Valerio Laura , Trimarchi Andrea , Pilli Tania , Cartocci Alessandra , Grazia Castagna Maria

Objectives: AJCC/TNM staging system provides an estimate of mortality risk in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients and recent evidence showed that ATA risk stratification may improve the definition of this risk. We speculated that the integration of the response to the initial therapy (RIT) could better define the mortality risk.Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 891 consecutive DTC patients followed at the Section of Endocrinology, University...